15 February 2008

Certification in Transportation and Logistics (CTL)

AST&L is the premier professional organization that develops and administers the Certification in Transportation Logistics. AST&L began the CTL Certification Program in 1948, known as the CPA of the transportation /logistics industry, and is constantly revising and updating the certification exams, keeping current with changes occurring in the field. To qualify an individual must be an active member of AST&L and have a four year undergraduate degree or three years of professional experience. The certification is granted to individuals who successfully complete six of the following exam modules:

Four compulsory subjects: Plus any two elective subjects from:
1) General Management Principles & Techniques 1) Creative Component
2) Transportation Economics Management 2) Logistics Analysis
3) Logistics Management 3) Supply Chain Management
4) International Transport and Logistics 4) Logistics and Supply Chain Strategy

Source: American Society of Transportation and Logistics, INC. (AST&L)

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